Sunday, May 13, 2012

Let's see......Where was I?

The Chestnut Creek School of the Arts held it's annual fund raising gala event the last weekend of March.  This year they did a stage show at the Rex Theater under the direction of Ginger Correll.  It highlighted local talent such as Wayne Henderson, the JAM Kids from the School of the Arts, Lois Fincher, and Mimi Pemberton.  I staged managed and had terrific helpers Davis Robertson and Bob from the wine shop.  We had a terrific turn out and the food at the party was great.  We all met at Macado's after the show for some late night food and drink.  It was a lot of fun and topped off a week of hard work and nervous anxiety.

I took a group of senior ladies over to Mercer Mall in Bluefield, Va for a shopping trip the latter part of April.  While I was there, I passed a closed store with a lot of display cases, shelves, metal racks and two "Berkenstock" shoe display stands, three sided and on a lazy susan so you can turn the display. They were for sale.  I thought "These are perfect for displaying my different chair weaving patterns when I do demonstrations and street shows."  I went to the manager's office and purchased them right away.  I went back the next day with my pick up and brought them back to my shop.  I've started work on a few display patterns to mount on the stands.  Here is a picture of what they look like.

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